Archive for the ‘Investigations’ Category

Ghost Trackers of Oklahoma is currently on Hiatus as schedules have become unworkable, but for more interesting blog posts on the metaphysical side of life and more, check out my blog, D.E. Chandler . Mondays are Metaphysical Mondays, and this week’s feature is timeslips. See You there!

Mysterious Oklahoma posted this video to you tube a couple of months ago. I’ve added it to the tracked in Oklahoma map…I’d like to stop out there and check it out someday soon.

Now you can keep track of the Ghost Trackers wherever we go! Or at least wherever you go! Here’s our map!

You can find this hot news story here.

Stay tuned for updates later in the day and as the story unfolds.

Well, it’s looking like all this snow might slow us down a bit. We’ve been stuck indoors for a week already, and it looks like the next few days are going to get wild again. I hope we can get out and about soon. Ah well…go over the equipment again, make sure we’re ready when we get to go out.
There are interviews to do! We’re all a little stoked…and stuck.

The recent weather has kinda gotten everybody frustrated it seems. So try to remain patient with your friends and neighbors…and anyone you happen to share the road with.

Stay safe everyone, and Happy Tracking!

D.E. Chandler

By Lonnie “Ghostt” Brown

Recently I was watching one of the ghost hunting shows (not even sure which one it was) where they were supposedly speaking with the spirit of a young child. My thought is this…If it really was the spirit of a child should we at least try (if we get no response) to maybe communicate as if it were a child. Use more simplistic words and not talk down to them. Encourage them to play games or with toys that might be around. Then maybe you would get a response.

Now I do realize that just because it was reported to be the spirit of a child doesn’t necessarily mean that it is, but if you get no ther response, it might be fruitful to try to communicate with the spirit as if it were a child. But be careful. Don’t go goofing around too much, because it could be viewed as disrespectful. Just a thought…tell me what you think.

Ghostt out.

This article about a mountain lion in Atoka sounds like it could generate other sighting reports, perhaps even cryptid reports, so heads up and remember to do you track casting with care!

Our next investigation takes us to the ceremonial grounds of the Euchee-Creeks, here in Oklahoma. Via special permission, we will be allowed to camp on the grounds as long as we are respectful.

We intend to be.

It is said the grounds take on a whole different persona after dark. We are all eager for the investigation. Our preliminary walk-around revealed a fairly secluded wooded spot around a clearing which serves as the dance area. There are lots of interesting structures and the place had a pretty peaceful feel during the day. We got no feeling of being unwelcome. It will be interesting to see what happens when the sun goes down.

Well, in following up on the story about the chupacabra looking creature that was captured alive here in Oklahoma this year, I have learned that the wildlife department has said that the animal is a raccoon with a very advanced case of mange.

On closer inspection of the photos, the animal does seem to have raccoon-like hands for it’s front paws.
This would also explain it’s strange posture inside the cage.

In all these years, countless intrepid investigators have taken reports, collected photographic and video evidence, witnessed and/or performed batteries of scientific tests on subjects and materials, and generally made a nuisance of themselves, all in an effort to try to prove the existence of UFO phenomena. Or is that what they’re really trying to prove? I think most people understand that the phenomena exists.

Perhaps the real issue at hand is the overwhelming numbers of UFOlogists that really want to prove the existence of life outside our own planet. Yes, there are people who have had encounters with what they experienced as beings from another world. Many of the same people report UFO phenomena during the encounter, and further, have been taken onboard the UFO’s by these beings and had experiments done on them.

The two are obviously the same phenomena right?
Does the apparent UFO phenomena during contactee encounters make the two things inseparable? Not necessarily. Much of contactee experience either happens without a witness or the witnesses are also having contactee encounters without conscious knowledge, many remembering their encounters only during regressive hypnosis.
Also, there have been a lot of contactee encounters in which there is no UFO phenomena present…at least not reported.

Again, there are many exceptions, most notably the case of Travis Walton, who was abducted right in front of his friends and colleagues.

So the remaining question is… can UFO’s exist without extraterrestrial beings as pilots, or is there a further explanation for UFO phenomena? Let us hear your ideas on what’s missing from UFO investigation, and what other possibilities may exist to explain these phenomena.

Happy Tracking!