Posts Tagged ‘hauntings’

Ghost Trackers of Oklahoma is currently on Hiatus as schedules have become unworkable, but for more interesting blog posts on the metaphysical side of life and more, check out my blog, D.E. Chandler . Mondays are Metaphysical Mondays, and this week’s feature is timeslips. See You there!

By Lonnie “Ghostt” Brown

Recently I was watching one of the ghost hunting shows (not even sure which one it was) where they were supposedly speaking with the spirit of a young child. My thought is this…If it really was the spirit of a child should we at least try (if we get no response) to maybe communicate as if it were a child. Use more simplistic words and not talk down to them. Encourage them to play games or with toys that might be around. Then maybe you would get a response.

Now I do realize that just because it was reported to be the spirit of a child doesn’t necessarily mean that it is, but if you get no ther response, it might be fruitful to try to communicate with the spirit as if it were a child. But be careful. Don’t go goofing around too much, because it could be viewed as disrespectful. Just a thought…tell me what you think.

Ghostt out.

Our next investigation takes us to the ceremonial grounds of the Euchee-Creeks, here in Oklahoma. Via special permission, we will be allowed to camp on the grounds as long as we are respectful.

We intend to be.

It is said the grounds take on a whole different persona after dark. We are all eager for the investigation. Our preliminary walk-around revealed a fairly secluded wooded spot around a clearing which serves as the dance area. There are lots of interesting structures and the place had a pretty peaceful feel during the day. We got no feeling of being unwelcome. It will be interesting to see what happens when the sun goes down.

Had there been an increase in ghostly activity over the last few years? How could this relate to the changes in the earth’s magnetic field and to the current times?

Some would say that there is an increase in ghost sightings and haunting activity, but I think that there are merely more people not being afraid to report hauntings, and that there are more people to witness them. More witnesses + more acceptance and popularity of the phenomena = more reports.

However, I am one to keep an open mind, so let’s hear your views, and open this topic up for discussion!

This question comes from the ancient belief that the veil between the world of the living and that of the dead is thinner at certain times of the year. Is there a time of year when the instances of paranormal experiences are increased?

I don’t know about the activity itself being affected to the season, but I do know that people’s moods and state of mind are. There seems to be a pretty good spread on the amounts of activity actually reported. In order to follow this train of thought more closely, I will try to pick a reporting blog or forum that is fairly active and regular with it’s posts…(if such should exist..)and keep a year-long track of the actual number of reports (for the purposes of this experiment, I will only look at reports of presumed ghostly activity).

I will publish my findings next October, should the experiment prove feasible and do-able.

Tom and I recently took a trip into Oklahoma’s skunk ape country to do some much needed relaxing, and we hoped to run into some signs of the creature. We found no sign, but we did manage to check out a few of the local mystery spots, like Runestone State Park, and the Spiro Mounds. The most interesting stuff, however, seeems to have happened at home while we were away.

Once we’d returned and talked to Lonnie (Ghostt) we hear all about the ruckus that went on in our absence. There were shadows and color apparitions, noises and movement all over the place, he said. Apparently at one point he thought he’d seen my son sneaking through the house, (he’s been away for a while now,) heard someone moving the dishes around in the kitchen, saw someone coming up the front porch, (a phenomena picked up by a lot of folks) and lots of other stuff I can’t remember.

Suffice it to say, we wound up wishing we’d left the ghost-gear here while we were out!
Ah, well…can’t catch ’em every time! The experiences Lonnie had in our home (which had been very quiet for us lately) led me to think. Then I thought some more.

Several times during our trip I’d wound up thinking about home, kinda wondering how things were going for Lonnie. Tom said he had too. I’d imagine Justin has though of home a little while he’s been away. And there’s no telling how many people who lived here before had gotten attached to the place. So here’s the big question.

If people who are dead can manifest activity…can the living? Who’s to say that a lot of our hauntings aren’t simply the manifestations of people’s passing thoughts? In my spirit-path, we do believe in the manifestation of will, but we also believe in thought forms.
Thought forms are created by both intent and unintentionally as well. This is kind of how residual haunts work anyway. Perhaps one of the reasons for the dramatic increase in reported paranormal phenomena is the dramatic increase in population.

All those thought forms, all those people all over the world…we could be seeing a kind of haunting boom. It’s the kind of thing that may cause a small panic about paranormal pollution. It sounds silly, but those are the kinds of ways my mind twists.

Something for the big guys (TAPS, PRS and others)to think about too though, perhaps?
There you have it folks,
More soon!
Happy Tracking!

Shadow People: Shades of People of the Past?

By: Lonnie “GHOSTT” Brown

Many people wonder exactly what Shadow People really are. You know who I’m talking about the shroud-like black forms that you see out of the corner of your eye or in reflective surfaces. Are the ghosts? Are they apparitions? Or even Demonic Spirits, or hallucinations. There is even a theory that it is an Alien Technology Camouflage. We really don’t know. Everyone seems to have their own opinion so here goes mine.

I think that all the above could be true. Who’s to say that one Shadow Person is the same type of being as another (Talk about Spiritual Profiling.)? I know when I had to work the graveyard shift at a downtown Tulsa office being as Security, I was the only person in the building but yet I caught glimpses of Shadow people all around that building. All 13 floors. And they all had different personalities. Some just went about their business and could’ve cared less if I was looking or not. Some would scatter when I turned my head. And then there was the ones that would make you look around right about the time you went to take a step or come up to a clear glass door. SPLAT! So it could be any one of these or all of these. It might even be something we haven’t thought of yet. But they sure do keep us on our toes, don’t they.

So if you have theories on the Shadow People let us know. We at GTOO are open to hearing people’s experiences and theories. So, so long from THE VOID and Good Hunting.


Into the Void !
Lonnie “Ghostt” Brown

Heya folks.

Well, we’ve got our first night vision camera…and let’s just say, the pro’s make it look a lot easier than it is. At some point I will probably put my foibles online for people to laugh at, but I’m still learning how to use it. Navigation in the dark with a tiny viewscreen to see by is well…tricky at best. I found it hard to judge depth and distance navigating by viewscreen. I knocked over a couple of large candlesticks and bumped into a door with the K-2 meter. And that’s in my own house!

I expect I’ll get better with practice, at least, I hope so. I did run audio for a practice EVP session and the K-2 as well.

Now it’s off to figure out the software and register the hardware. Before long we’ll be ready to go out and find bigfoot, apparitions and more.

Happy Tracking!

Paranormal Language Barrier
By: Lonnie “Ghostt” Brown

I have often wondered while watching “Ghost Hunters International”, whether there is a language barrier between English speaking investigators and spirits who originally spoke a different language. I haven’t done much research into this query but thought it would be interesting to hear the thoughts of others on the subject. My own person belief is, if you going to investigate below the Red River and the majority of the population speaks, Spanish, I would, if feasible take along someone fluent in at least basic Spanish. So instead of “Ghost Hunting” you would be “Caza del fantasma” more or less. Let me hear what you think?

Ghost Trackers Of Oklahoma is looking for your stories!
If you’ve had an experience let us know. Leave a comment in the comment section, and share your paranormal encounter with us!