Archive for the ‘writing’ Category

Shadow People: Shades of People of the Past?

By: Lonnie “GHOSTT” Brown

Many people wonder exactly what Shadow People really are. You know who I’m talking about the shroud-like black forms that you see out of the corner of your eye or in reflective surfaces. Are the ghosts? Are they apparitions? Or even Demonic Spirits, or hallucinations. There is even a theory that it is an Alien Technology Camouflage. We really don’t know. Everyone seems to have their own opinion so here goes mine.

I think that all the above could be true. Who’s to say that one Shadow Person is the same type of being as another (Talk about Spiritual Profiling.)? I know when I had to work the graveyard shift at a downtown Tulsa office being as Security, I was the only person in the building but yet I caught glimpses of Shadow people all around that building. All 13 floors. And they all had different personalities. Some just went about their business and could’ve cared less if I was looking or not. Some would scatter when I turned my head. And then there was the ones that would make you look around right about the time you went to take a step or come up to a clear glass door. SPLAT! So it could be any one of these or all of these. It might even be something we haven’t thought of yet. But they sure do keep us on our toes, don’t they.

So if you have theories on the Shadow People let us know. We at GTOO are open to hearing people’s experiences and theories. So, so long from THE VOID and Good Hunting.


Into the Void !
Lonnie “Ghostt” Brown